(Transcription of part of E.Tolle’s first video on the subject)
‘You will inevitably encounter adversity in life, either on a personal level or, as we are experiencing it now, on a collective level. If you haven’t delved deep enough, if you haven’t found anything beyond the conceptual thinking mind, then adversity, whatever it is (in this case we know what it is), will devastate you. Even if you don’t get sick or contract the virus, fear will consume you as it is consuming millions of humans today. If you knew who / what you are, you will realize that there is nothing to fear. Only if you don’t know yourself does fear arise. Be aware of yourself, not the conceptual self, not your personal history, but become aware of yourself as conscious presence. Thinking doesn’t help you there. Thinking is an obstacle. So go deeper than thinking and stay fully awake and present, without mental activity. The beginning of the realization of your eternal essence, the dimension of consciousness deeper than that with which you normally identify. Find that unshakable foundation that is within you, within everyone. Adversity is a wonderful opportunity because it forces you to dig deep. Life becomes almost unbearable when you live only on the surface of sensory perceptions and your conceptual mind, and then you listen to the news and read all kinds of things, and everyone is in a state of fear, due to the construction of a house in the sand. And this is an invitation to awaken who you are, because if you don’t, you will suffer unnecessarily. Millions are in a state of anxiety. But use this as an opportunity to wake up. It is an opportunity to realize that you are much deeper than what you have known before. You should pay more attention to your own conscience than to the news and whatever you hear and see. Use this precious time, it is part of the awakening of humanity. Humans do not wake up in their comfort zone, they wake up when they are taken out of their comfort zone, when they can no longer bear suffering or unhappiness. Feel the vitality, become aware of that presence that is inseparable from who you are. That is an incredible accomplishment! There is more to you than the person! That presence is deeper than the person. You needed adversity to find it or to deepen fulfillment. There is a saying that goes: ‘When the ego cries over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has found.’ What looks bad and very negative on the surface, as an obstacle to the well-being of humanity from the conventional point of view, has an essential function. So this is a time of great opportunity. Use it. Do not waste it. Don’t get lost in the mind. Don’t get lost in fear. To be rooted in this rock that is your essence identity. ‘