Ego versus Soul
With the beginning of this New Year we have a choice to
tap into our higher vibration and live in an aligned
state with our Soul, or we can choose to do what we
always did, out of habit, belief or unconscious patterns we learned somewhere.
This choice is our freedom and will set us free.
And the Ego is really strong, which we may experience as attachment to
old habits, though forms, or external objects.
Lets differentiate between Ego and Soul:
When we live in the space of Ego, we are not here in this present moment.
We are either in the past or in the future, trying to recreate or protect us from something, or making sure to have a better future. We are not able to be here
with all our energy NOW.
Another duality aspect is when we live from Ego, we are constantly in our minds,
Thinking, comparing and looking for solutions.
When we live from Soul, we experience stillness.
From the ego state we start judging ourselves and others. From the soul self,
We just inquire and are interested in what is happening and why. We see whatever happens without any judgment, just the inquiry, than a waiting how to respond.
We respond and choose, but don’t react
Stage 1: Unconsciousness and Lack of Ego Awareness
In this first stage, we have no awareness of ego.
The ego is fragile and therefore overactive.
Our mind and will are rigid and fixed, and we see
our way or story as the only right way.
When disagreements are experienced, they feel like
a threat to our self. To protect our ego identity
is our priority and and comes before personal freedom.
We experience high levels of self-betrayal, and live life in illusions.
Stage 2: Ego Awareness
In the second stage some ego awareness is present, and we
are able to observe our stories, and thoughts, which come from
the ego. We can see and differentiate, that they are our stories and
not who we really are.
We have the ability and awareness to notice when the ego gets
Triggered, and chances are we can let the story go. We are not so
Attached to our stories as truth. And jet we still cant hold the level
Of just observer mode and consciousness. We go in and out.
Stage 3: The Witness
This stage allows us to become a conscious witness.
We are able to practice self-observation and are able to recognize
our ego stories and triggers consistently.
We respond to our environment rather than being in reaction.
We pause and reset. Our ego becomes still activated, but it doesn’t drive our choices, habits, patterns and behaviors.
We have the ability to be the conscious witness.
Stage 4: Ego Integration
The ego is fully strengthened through awareness of shadow
self and all our emotional states. We are aware of our inner child,
higher self, and analyzer. We are able to connect to the higher self
and are able to move beyond thinking. We do not have to give
Meaning to life experiences. Everything just is. This is emotional mastery.
May this inquiry help us to shine the light of consciousness of our
awareness process and set us free.
Much Love and many Blessings
I am happy to support you on your journey to physical and emotional health.
Reach out if you need help.