Grounding Practice
Staying in the moment can be harder than it sounds because when we get upset and emotional, we often check out. Sometimes a strong emotion can trigger a memory from the past, and we retreat into this painful memory and we don’t even feel our body anymore. We don’t feel the present moment anymore. Grounding allows us to come back down and come deeply into our bodies. It allows us to become still and detach from the situation, so we can choose NOT to react. It makes us feel safely anchored to the earth. Breath and grounding help us to connect to our healing energy and release what is not serving us well.
EXERCISE: Grounding Exercise
Sit supported in a safe place and close your eyes. Feel both feet firmly on the earth and open your feet Chakras. From your sacrum envision a deep grounding cord tapping into the center of the earth. This grounding cord can appear as a tripod, from your feet and from your sacrum. When it connects into the earth it becomes one big root.
Have this root deeply connect into the earth and with your exhale release any tension, overwhelm, worry and anything that doesn’t serve you, right into the earth. The earth has the ability to transmute these energies into some beautiful new seeds.
With your inhale, draw in calming, cooling and soothing energy into your body. With your exhale keep releasing any charge, stress, worry…..
If you feel your heart is affected or you’re having palpitations, envision that the tree root goes from your heart into the center of the earth. When you inhale, draw in the beautiful crystalline colors of our divine mother (Gaia) into your body and breathe in calm, peace and nourishment.
Continue doing this practice until you feel clear and present. Do this as long as you need to in order to feel cleared and grounded and at peace.
What is often helpful in this practice is to see the feet chakras open and connected to the earth and see the root going into the earth really wide and big.
This gives you a strong base of support, and allows for trust and faith.
How much can you allow yourself to receive?